VFS Fellowship Program – Summer 2019
Program Summary
• The 2019 VFS Fellowship Program works with college students of Vietnamese descent to help
them succeed during their summer finance internships and beyond. The program will provide
mentorship, educational events, as well as networking opportunities with senior leaders and
high-achieving peers in the industry.
Program Components
• From June 2019 to August 2019, fellows will participate in a series of professional development
workshops and breakfast events to broaden their knowledge on the finance industry and
strengthen the skills needed to succeed during their internships and beyond.
o Professional development workshops on internship best practices, navigating corporate
environment, career planning, and communications and negotiation skills
o Discussion with senior executives on industry landscape, trends, and market developments
• As part of the program, fellows will be matched with mentors who are professionals in finance,
based on the industry of the fellow’s internship as well as their preferences. Mentors will share
their experiences and provide ongoing advice.
o Participating mentors and speakers from Lazard, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, WCAS,
Barclays, PwC, MAEVA, Macquarie, and Goldman Sachs, among others
• Fellows will also have the opportunity to participate in social events with their fellowship class,
the VFS team and other professionals in New York City.
Fellowship Program Eligibility
• VFS Fellowship Program is open to all college students of Vietnamese descent with summer
internships secured in Investment Banking, Equity Research, Asset Management and related
fields in New York City.
Fellowship Program Application
• Candidates can apply to the fellowship program through the following application form:
• Deadline: Applications are due on May 19, 2019, followed by a phone interview. Candidates will
be evaluated on a rolling basis.
About Vietnam Finance Society
• Vietnam Finance Society is a member-run nonprofit organization committed to building a strong
community of Vietnamese finance professionals to empower career development, nurture
meaningful connections, and promote business opportunities in the United States and Vietnam.
For more information please, follow our Facebook Page at:
https://www.facebook.com/vfsociety/, visit our website at: www.vfsociety.org, or email us at